Trend board
My first idea however was to create a more inspirational board which was not as technical or as focused as my final board. I had a whole other colour scheme and I created an initial trend board but after much thought on the idea I decided to change my idea. My first idea was to use red, yellow and blue as my inspiration for my board, this was a off the back of the research I did in the trend hub using bright colours for an autumn winter range but after putting all my images together onto the trend board I decided that the idea was not what I wanted to hand in so I looked into other ideas. Here is my original trend board on my blog.
then moved onto my next idea which was to look at more traditional autumnal
colours and I felt more comfortable creating a board for this idea. The board was
definitely a work in progress and was changed many times before it got to the
stage I felt I could hand it in at. Here are some of the different versions my
trend board went through. I changed the initial layout because I felt there was
too much text in the first and I wanted another flat to show how the layering
could work. In the second image I like the layout it is just the layout of the
text under the flats which I wanted to change. I found that the layout changed
the most when I put the text into the document.
I feel that my final board really reflects
my personality; it was quite different to many that the other trend boards that
my peers were creating but that showed my individuality and I feel that this board
also shows part of who I am which I think is very important. What I feel went
well in this project was how well the images came out on the board; the image
quality was high so the image looked good putting across the standard I wanted
my work to be at and also my idea of high quality knitwear. I also like how
well all the colours of the board come together making everything tie together
showing consistency across the whole board. What I feel could have gone better
was the writing I finally put on the board, I feel that compared to the other
content on the board the words let it down because they are not to the same quality
as the other sections of the board, I feel I didn’t have a good enough understanding
of what to write on my board to put something I feel was good enough on it.
If I were to create another trend board I would
definitely experiment more with different layouts as I feel that I spent to
long with one specific layout when I could have tried many different layouts and
chosen from those the best one to hand in. I have learnt from making my trend
board that I need be open to more ideas as once I think something is good I do
get attached to it making it harder to move on and create more things. I also
learnt that it is okay to scrap ideas you don’t feel are going anywhere, it is
okay because it helps to move on and create something better, which I feel is
something I can transfer into other areas of my life. Future action I think I will take from this
experience is to keep creating trend board, collecting images and thinking about
how they would link together then uploading them to my blog as I feel this
would improve my skill set for industry, improve my InDesign skills and also
improve my blog so when I show it to people as part of my portfolio it can show
how I have developed my trend boarding skills over time
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